Monday, July 12, 2010

Wanting Some of Miranda's Bridal Style?

Did Victoria's Secret know something that we didn't? It certainly looks like it.

Now what came first - these images or Orlando's proposal? The mid-year Victoria's Secret catalogue shows Miranda wearing bride knickers, an engagement ring and not much else; causing quite a stir now Miranda has a rock of her own (gossip sites are saying the ring Orlando presented her with is a 5 carat diamond and worth close to $500,000!)

Story by Alicia Richardson. The Knot.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Legal Matters

The Marriage Act 1961 lists the legal requirements for marriage. Essentially these are:

  • The bride and groom must give notice of their intended marriage to their celebrant/minister not less than one month and one day and not more than 18 months before the date of the marriage. The notice must be given on the form 'Notice of Intended Marriage'. See for more information and to download the form.
  • The bride and groom must be 18 years of age otherwise parents' consent is required.
  • The bride and groom must produce evidence of their age to their celebrant/minister. This must be by official birth certificates or in special cases, passports or Certificates of Naturalisation with a statutory declaration stating the full reason why the birth certificate could not be produced.
  • If either party has been previously married, evidence of termination of the marriage must be produced to their celebrant/minister. This is by certificate of decree absolute of full death certificate.
  • A fee must be paid, which varies from State to State.
  • The ceremony must be witnessed by two people who are over 18 years of age.
At the end of your ceremony you will be required to sign the Marriage Register, Certificate of Marriage and Wedding Certificate in front of two witnesses and your celebrant/minister.

A bride is not required to take her husband's surname. If you do choose to change your name, sign your maiden name on your marriage certificate; from then on sign your new, married name.

Upon marriage any previous will becomes ineffective. So after your wedding remember to make an appointment with your solicitor to make another will.

The 3 P's of Style

All eyes will be on you from the moment you step out of your transport so you'll want to feel confident and look radiant. Style is all about your posture, poise and your presence. Some women have it and then the rest have to try that little bit harder.

So what are the 3 P's?
It is the ability to know your own mind, have confidence in yourself and your style and to control your emotions in any stressful situation. We are going to share with you just how you can have those 3 P's.

  1. Posture n. a position or attitude of the body.....  Stand tall, shoulders back and hold your head high. Sounds simple but it can get tiring and look unnatural if you haven't practised. Try pulling in your stomach/abdomen - imagine trying to pull it through to your spine. Immediately you stand taller, your shoulders go back and your bust appears fuller.
  2. Presence n. being in the moment.....  Presence and posture are interrelated and result in poise. Presence is the ability to stay focused in the here and now - don't worry about what could happen. It comes from within; a mental acuteness with a bit of attitude. Meditation can help to focus your thoughts, and saying positive affirmations like 'I look fabulous' before making an entrance immediately makes you stand with your head high.
  3. Poise n. composure or dignity of manner.....   Elegance is about appearance but poise goes beyond that. People with poise basically chill out and stay cool, calm and collected. Poise has to do with social ease, emotional balance and confidence. Knowing yourself and having faith in your own decisions will give you the confidence and composure to cope with any hiccups on the day.